Friday, July 11, 2008


So lets see whats new. We'll we are now in santa monica area working at cafeFX south, We're Expecting a baby sometime in January, I'm attempting to purchase film rights to a book series, and hmm idk what else lol.

Its been really nice having a normal work day for this project. I'm sad that it probably won't last but man its been so nice to have some time in the morning to just chill and still have time at night too. I'm kinda worried about the whole baby/money/insurance thing but oh well I guess there's not much I can do about it at this point. I'm looking forward to finally seeing this little person. The ultra sound is scheduled for the Saturday after this one I think. Its been more than a little surreal not really seeing much evidence of a person there. Hopefully seeing it will help put things into a little bit better perspective lol.

Another thing that having more time off work has been that I feel like my creative juices are really coming back (red cliff killed them for a while). I'm having quite a few ideas that I want to create in either CG or live action. I'm also working on trying to get film rights to a book series that I would really enjoy filming. Guess we'll just have to wait and see.

So yeah anyways thats about it for the update. guess you'll have to catch me later. Cheers.


1 comment:

Lindsey said...

Awwww babe!!! Thanks for updating your blog!! I loved reading it. Don't worry but pray about it babe k? It's so cute that you want to meet this lil person! Cause I do too!