Wednesday, May 21, 2008

We live in a day and age where the concept of taking responsibly for our actions is completely foreign to us. We do everything we can to avoid it we pay people extremely large amounts of money to get away from dealing with our own actions. We pay car insurance so that if we make a mistake we don't really have to pay for the damages we cause. If we have an unborn baby that doesn't fit into our life plan we simply pay someone to MURDER it! We pay lawyers to lie for us if we commit a crime to get us off the hook. If we have any inconvenience there's normally always some solution that we can buy so someone else can deal with our own problems that we caused! How about for once people stop blaming everyone else and why don't you point that big over fed self-indulging finger at your self and take responsibly for your own fucked up life that you've created and act accordingly!!!!!!

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