Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Life update

Ok yeah so update on my life lol. Not much new really same old same. Still trying to get you know what and my wifey is having a really hard time with it. :( its so hard to see her this way. first off just hurting and second just sad and upset all the time. I hate it. I wish I could do something but there doesn't seem to be anything I can. I love her tons its just so hard to see her sad all the time. :( i hope we get prego soon. Its hard cause sometimes it makes me wonder if she really just wants a baby or if she wants a baby with me. I know that its the latter but sometimes it doesn't seem that way.

Workwise it's been pretty slow which has been nice. I'm sure it will pick up some more soon but i'm enjoying the easy days for now. Its kinda been giving me time to think about some ideas and stuff that i've been wanting to spend time with and what not. I used to do personal projects all the time and work on stuff and create art and whatnot but I've not really been doing that much for pretty much the last 2-3 years lol which kinda sucks and I miss it. So I've been tossing some ideas around in my head about maybe creating a short film or something not sure yet. But I hope to be able to start doing more of my own art work and to be able to express my personal creativity more than I have been. I've got like at least 5 feature films I'd like to do and maybe this could be a way into doing something like that........

Anyways i'm going to get back to work. Not a whole lot to do but oh well it'll give me some time to think about a project and my sweet wifey sleepin at home. I hope she gets a good rest and feels better when she wakes up.

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

Thanks for updating/writing baby!!!! It means a lot to me. I like to read your blog!! :)

I want a baby with you and only one. i'm sorry it seems the other way sometimes. sorry i've been taking everything so hard and been sad and upset that we dont have one on the way yet, i hope soon.

you really need to work on stuff for you! i'm sorry you haven't done anything in the leas 2-3 years and i'm sure it's because of me! don't give up your dream because of me. k? i cna't wait to see what you come up with. good luck with the directing those 5 movies! you can do it. i have faith in ya.

love yas