Saturday, April 26, 2008

New beer of choice for the US

The other day I was walking through the store and noticed a beer called "Porter" of course I had to pick up a 6 pack since my middle name is porter. I wasn't expecting too much since I've pretty much given up on beer in America. However after drinking a few I've grown to quite enjoy it. Again its no match for a good Guinness in the UK but has some great qualities to it. I really like the bitter dark chocolate taste in particular. Anyways thought i'd share. Also as I have just discovered make sure to pour this beer into a glass to let it breath if you get it bottled. So much better that way!


p.s. you can read more about the origins of porter beer here:

Friday, April 25, 2008

New Hair And New Hat

So I needed a hair cut + I don't like to pay for a fancy one + my wife got a razor set that we thought would work out great for a nice little haircut........ Yeah well it turned out the razor set was really crappy and my hair felt like it was being pulled out more than cut. Linds was using the razor at first but I decided to take matters into my own hands since things were going slow. Well they went faster but not much better. I think the images are proof enough that from now on I'll just pay some poor soul to cut my hair. Good thing I got a new hat from Pandora ( ) for making some suggestions about their software. I'll be wearing it for the next few weeks. :)

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

No time!

1 Day = 24 hours
Sleep time = 8 hours (if I'm lucky)
Work time on average = 13 hours
travel time per day = 30 mins
actual awake home time = 2.5 hours

So about 90% doing work crap or sleeping and only 10% of my entire day being with my wife..... Somethings wrong with this entire picture. I hate it and it sucks. If I had kids it'd be even worse. How spending 90% of your life not interacting with your own family got to be ok and cool I'll never know. I spend over 50% of my waking life with people that work with. Thats 40% more than I do with the woman who I love more than anyone in the world! So how does that all work? Don't ask me. But I'm getting really tired of it and I'm currently looking into what it will take to start my own business. I know I'll still be working long hours but maybe at least I'll be able to do that with my family. I'm getting tired of working for the man!


Wednesday, April 9, 2008

I promised I'd write in this so I am! lol I wuv you baby doll Will add more soon.
