Thursday, May 17, 2007

Corporate Christianity Poop

I don't know just seems to me that corporate Christianity is a problem. It's packaged up into a pretty little gift box and handed to kids from parents who pay way too much $$ and way too little attention to the messages that are being sent out..... Let me try to explain......

Ok I'm a 3d artist working in a company that is producing some Christian shows for kids. And one of the shows is all about how if you pray hard enough God will give you whatever you ask for..... I mean it does have some good stuff in it or whatever but there is a huge over tone of you ask hard enough you get it. the title of the show is even called "Push" as in pushing God to answer you the way you want. Maybe it's just cause of the situation I'm in currently but I know quite well from first hand experience that sometimes no matter how hard you pray you still don't get what you want... You may get what you need and what's best for you but not always what you want. And i just think that companies should be more careful when putting out messages about Christianity and make sure that they don't set kids up for disappointments when they don't get everything they want.

*getting off soap box*

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

awww baby...are you talking about the situation i think that you are? i knwo how you feel if so. and if so that's really sweet of you. i am in total agreement with you about the whole "push" thing. shameful!